At Ecosilk Bags, you’ll find a range of eco friendly shopping bags designed specifically to be strong, stylish, colourful and practical alternatives to plastic bags. You can purchase bags from our online shop, or locally via one of our stockists.
Lightweight, compact, reliable, long lasting, resilient and easy to use – these eco friendly shopping bags will cater for all your shopping and general carrying requirements. Ecosilk Bags last for a minimum of 5 years or more, are great value for money and are eco friendly bags due to their strength and longevity – each bag will eliminate up to a thousand plastic bags in its lifetime. They are made from 100% nylon parachute silk fabric, which is endlessly recyclable, and in the future will likely become plant based and more sustainable.
The range of bags caters for all shopping needs, from using Ecosilk eco friendly shopping bags in the supermarket, chemist or clothes store to many other uses such as gifts, wrapping presents or children’s library bags. Ecosilk Shoulder bags (previously called Alpha bags) are bags carried on your shoulder that are useful for shopping but are also ideal for the beach, as a weekend bag or when travelling. Fruit & Vegie bags are just right as reusable produce bags at a farmer’s market, supermarket or health food store, as well as being the perfect bag for shoes, laundry or underwear in your suitcase. Drawstring bags were originally intended for holding a pack of 6 Ecosilk Shopping bags but also make great cosmetic or games bags. Mini drawstring bags are designed to hold one shopping bag to keep it contained in a handbag or pocket, but are also handy for jewellery or small items.
Ecosilk eco friendly Shopping bags, Shoulder bags and Fruit & Vegie bags can be printed with personalised artwork and company logos and used as gifts for special clients or customers, or as promotional bags for conferences, corporate events or workshops. Ecosilk Bags are excellent items for fundraising as they are attractive, practical, educational and affordable, with healthy profit margins for reaching fundraising targets.
The ideal of Emily Hay, creator and owner of Ecosilk bags, is for plastic bags to one day become extinct. This range of bags is designed to assist in that process, by making it easy and attractive to be environmentally friendly and to kick the plastic bag habit.

Calling all retailers
We’re excited to announce our new wholesale ordering facility! Ordering Ecosilk Bags just got easier with our streamlined system designed to save you time and hassle. You’ll gain access to all of our products at wholesale prices, all available with just a few clicks. Sign up now to simplify your ordering process.
I have been using your bags for years now and I love them. (I have many in lots of different colours – they live in my various handbags – colour co-ordinated of course! – so that I am never without at least two!) I have been rejecting the use of plastic bags in the supermarket for over 30 years and can easily attest to the ecosilk bags being the best alternative I have come across in all that time. They were the first ones I came across that were strong enough to be used for fruit and veg, but also beautiful enough to use for clothing and other “fun” shopping.
Their colours, their strength, and their ‘screw up into your pocket-ness’ have made them the best of all the reusable bags we’ve ever tried, with the added sentimentality that we discovered them in 2009 on our honeymoon and they have travelled with us on many adventures since.
Many thanks for your beautiful silk shopping bags. I have used them since the beginning of 2009 when I saw them advertised on TV. I use them every week when doing the shopping, I just cannot go shopping if I don’t have them. Moira, Werribee VIC 2015. Your bags have saved us literally 1000’s of plastic bags over the years. I shudder to think how much plastic we would have brought home without them. It is so easy to have a couple tucked into my handbag and then for the bigger shops it’s just about being organised and gathering them all before going.
I’ve been using your ecosilk bags since they were first made and and still use them every day. Thanks for a great product, durable, colourful and useful. I am now plastic bag free.
I love my ecosilk bags so am buying them for (almost) everyone for Christmas – too easy!
I buy your bags by the dozen to give to everybody I know and have done so for many years. I take them overseas as gifts to all and sundry. I spruik their merits to anyone who will listen. They are the only shopping bags on the market which fold up small enough to make no difference inside even the smallest handbag. They never split, they wash over and over, they dry out instantly when they get leaked on, and they are beautiful to look at.
I would like to say that these are the handiest little bags and make it so easy to stop using plastic bags, I really struggled before as I always forgot to take the big reusable bags with me or forgot to put them in the car, but the ecosilk are so handy, I just pop them in my handbag as soon as I empty them and it is there next time I need it.